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Saturday 9 July 2011

Moving is a sweaty business!!!

Well, I've been working so hard for the last couple of days moving the small items out of my apartment into my new apartment across the hall.  You would think that it would be very simple, but I haven't stopped sweating, "glowing" for those of gentle disposition, but for me right now, it's SWEAT.  I nearly suffocated myself with the fumes from the oven cleaner, but I sure did a good job.  It seems a shame to leave it now for someone else, LOL  I can't wait to share some photos of my newly fitted out place.

Took a break and went for a walk along the River.  It was beautiful.  I had hoped that the trail would have extended to Bellevue Park but it stopped just after the old hospitals and I didn't fancy walking along the Main Street til I got to the Park.  I was having trouble walking that far anyway but at least I made the effort.  I moved a few other small things and am taking another break and walking in the opposite direction to the Mall to pick up a few items.  Be back soon.

It's now just after 9.00 p.m. and I have been at it most of the day, moving stuff, that is.

I started this a week ago but have been too busy to finish it off, so this evening I am going to add a few words and then post it.  It has been a very busy week with sorting, cleaning and disposing of many items.  It's not something anyone can help you with.  At least this way I will not be carting unwanted or dusty items to my nice clean apartment.

First thing this morning I walked all the way to the furniture store where I bought my new goodies last week and found a lovely glass coffee table with two end tables.  They are quite small and will give a fresh look to my living area.  My old ones were large wooden ones, beautiful at one time, but they are a little old-fashioned now.  I just can't wait for it to all come together and I will post some photos.  Thanks for following my blog.  Have a great weekend.