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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Something old, something primitive!!

A few of my friends have mentioned that it's time I wrote another post for my blog and, as I am always so accommodating, here is my latest effort.  What to write about?  Well, last week Pat (from The Queen's Cupboard) and myself went to visit a friend of hers, Sue, who lives just outside of the city.  The purpose of this visit was for Pat to purchase some more items to sell in her store, e.g. antiques, primitive art, cutesy and other odds and ends.  Normally I won't go anywhere other than around town in a vehicle but was somehow pursuaded to accompany her on this little jaunt.  Am I glad that I did!!!!  I ended up picking up a few cute little items myself, at very minimal prices, I might add.........

Isn't this little girl priceless?

How about these little cuties?

I can't believe that I am getting into this primitive stuff - totally different from what I have ever been interested in before.  I must be losing something in my old age, LOL  Actually, I am finding it to be quite interesting and isn't "different" something more amusing to talk about?  For all my years I have been stuck in a rather "blah" choice of decor, but don't forget, I had three sons and a husband to take into consideration.  Now, pretty well anything goes, within reason of course.  I can't see me ever painting my walls puce or purple but I can see my decor taking on a new twist.  I think I like it!!

My "bird collection" also got an uplift - I picked up some new real estate for them and I think they are quite enamoured with them..............

Then on Saturday, whilst at Pat's The Queen's Cupboard, I purchased a few more items along the same vein, cute and/or primitive, so I think I had a very good weekend.

Aren't the lights and nesting box adorable?

 You can't see it, but on this woven item is a painted black crow.  Really delightful - it came with the flowers too!!

I also have been having a great deal of fun using "Water Slide Decals" which I purchased from The Polka Dot Closet - - I ordered a couple of packages from Carol and they were promptly mailed off to me.  Please go and visit her blog and check out all the wonderful items she makes and perhaps you also will get into decorating items around your home with these decals.  I am trying them out on items which I would like to sell along with my other crafts, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can make a few sales.  Here are a few things that I have embellished, both for my home and for sale..............

Here are a few flower brooches I made.

Well, that's about it for now.  On Saturday (2nd June), Pat has some ladies coming all the way from Ottawa to sell wonderful silver jewelry at her store (just for the one day).  They travel once a year from Ottawa to Vancouver in a humongous motor home and I believe that this is the only time they will be stopping to sell to the public, the rest of the time will be to businesses along the way.  For those of you who live locally, come on out and take part in this fabulous experience - 10-5.

I don't have any new photos to share with you of the grandkiddies but I did frame a couple of tiny frames with older photos, so they will have to do until I get some new ones.

Be good and stay healthy and happy.  Til next time.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Sunny and Clear

It's beautiful here again today, 19 degrees celsius which is very strange because every year at this time it rains and rains and rains because the fair is in town for a week, so, surprise!!

I thought I would post some photos of my apartment, showing some of the changes I have made over the last little while.  It's so much fun when you can do that and not worry about anyone else's opinion or take into account their needs, just do what you want - so selfish?  Not really, just one of the little perks of being alone - it doesn't really make up for having someone special in your life but you make your own fun, so here goes....................

You've all seen this one, the piece I bought from Pat at The Queen's Cupboard recently.  Note all the turquoise knick-knacks.  I bought some myself and then people started giving me some, but now I have plenty, so no more tempting me, LOL

Another view

I put up a gorgeous curtain at the opening to the kitchen area, to hide any mess I might have when company comes.  I picked this lovely item up from The Queen's Cupboard and hung it on a rod supported by hooks that I shabby chic'd...........

I changed the rod since the photo and it's now a nicer looking black one.

I mentioned in my last post that I changed my shower head in the bathroom and this is the new one I installed.............. 

Going to the movies in a couple of hours, so I will finish this off later and let you know what we go and see.

My bedroom hasn't changed but I moved things around in the spare room.............

I've been working on a few artsy-fartsy things and will show them in another blog - not quite finished with them yet.

This one I can show you as it is finished.  I picked up one of those old apple boxes from Pat - she brought loads of them home from her trip down to Southern Ontario "picking".  I painted it, yes, cream and put it in my bathroom to hold extra toilet tissue.  Going to put some decals on it which I have purchased from the Polka Dot Closet.

No new photos of the grand-kiddies - hopefully something soon.  My kids must get fed up with me bugging them all the time, but hey, that's what grandmas do isn't it?

Okay, home from the movies with the library ladies, Janis, Helena and Nancy (who used to work there).  We saw "What to expect when you're expecting".  It turned out to be funnier than I thought it would be and it was good to laugh together.  This is it.............

"Over the moon about starting a family, TV fitness guru Jules and dance show star Evan find that their high-octane celebrity lives don't stand a chance against the surprise demands of pregnancy. Baby-crazy author and advocate Wendy gets a taste of her own militant mommy advice when pregnancy hormones ravage her body; while Wendy's husband, Gary, struggles not to be outdone by his competitive alpha-Dad, who's expecting twins with his much younger trophy wife, Skyler. Photographer Holly is prepared to travel the globe to adopt a child, but her husband Alex isn't so sure, and tries to quiet his panic by attending a "dudes" support group, where new fathers get to tell it like it really is. And rival food truck chefs Rosie and Marco's surprise hook-up results in an unexpected quandary: what to do when your first child comes before your first date?"

Go and see it, if you don't mind a little vulgarity and can get past the occasional swear word.  The chuckles just might be worth it.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Crafts Galore

It has been a gorgeous day here today.  Too nice to stay at home so I have been out and about all day.   First I went to the library to return some way overdue DVD's, then to City Meat Market to pick up some ice-cream.  When I came home I called a friend and repaired her necklace for her, changed my shower head and installed a new Water Pix hand held shower head (because the old one leaked all over the floor and toilet when I turned on the faucets to take a bath), then took a walk to the mall and picked up a prescription for another friend. I think I just might stay in for the rest of the evening - I have lots of projects I could be doing but first of all I thought I had better create a new post.  The days are flying by and I can't believe that I have been home for three weeks since my visit to the grandkids.

On the 6th May I had a table at "Passport to Unity" and sold some of my creations.  It was a long day and as I was on my own, I regrettably couldn't take advantage of the fabulous artists and entertainment which went from 11-5.  Here are a few pictures of my table.

With the lovely Dawn, her hubby took this one.

I have been pottering around with a few things to add to my craft sales, e.g. these "vases".  They have a New York theme to them.

I should mention before I go any further, the beautiful flowers I received for Mother's Day from my darling kids.  This first arrangement was from my twin sons, my DIL and my grandkids from out of town....................

And this was from my son and girlfriend from in town..............

I am very blessed with great kids, and they do look out for me.  Thanks kiddos for the lovely gifts.

Here's another creation of mine, it's a little different, but I love it.

It kind of goes with the other picture I made, which I mentioned in my previous blog.

This last weekend I spent helping Pat with her sale at the Queen's Cupboard.  She plans on having one every Saturday so any local people reading this, come on down and see what's going on.  She very kindly is allowing me to sell my creations there also.  Excellent prices all round!!!!  This was my set-up last weekend..............

You don't think I helped Pat out with the sale and didn't buy anything for myself did you?  Before I show you what I did buy, I will tell you that I had to dispose of quite a few items around my place so that my apartment wouldn't look like a second-hand furniture store.  Next blog, I will post photos of how the apartment looks with all the new things and with the old items disposed of!!  Nearly forgot, this is what I bought and I adore it, it goes so beautifully with my cream/shabby chic look............

And, with an extra cushion I just happened to have lying around.

Well, I shall love you and leave you - until the next blog, stay happy and healthy.  Is there anything sweeter than this............

Rhys, with baby sister Katherine, May 2012