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Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Delightful evening with the girls

I always look forward to my Tuesday evening out with the ladies from the Library.  Tonight it was Helena and Janis and we went to the early show and dined on pizza and coffee in the theatre.  So much fun.  The movie we saw was "The Place Beyond The Pines", starring three very good actors, Eva Mendes, Bradley Cooper (I do so love me some Bradley) and Ryan Gosling, who by the way hails from London, Ontario, Canada where my sons and I lived for many of our Canadian years.  Lovely city.

"Luke is a high-wire, motorcycle performer who travels from town to town with the carnival. While passing through Schenectady, he tries to reconnect with a former lover Romina and learns that she has given birth to their son Jason in his absence. Luke decides to give up life on the road and provide for his new found family by working as a car mechanic. Luke's boss notices his ambition and talents, and proposes to Luke that they work as partners pulling off a string of spectacular bank robberies. This puts Luke on the radar of ambitious rookie cop Avery Cross, who is also has an infant son and is dealing with the menacing and corrupt detective who runs the local police department. The consequences of Avery's confrontation with Luke will reverberate into the next generation when their two sons must face their fateful, shared legacy."

This was a pretty good movie and brought out quite a range of emotions, but bottom line was once you cross the line between honesty and corruption, the consequences can be very harsh and lives ruined.  Go and see it if you can.

My lovely friend Laurie gave me a fabulous set of hat boxes for me to sell at my Boutique.....

and these two came from some dear soul in my apartment building............

I love getting donations and enjoy spending time on some that need work, revitalizing them and putting them in the Boutique for someone else to enjoy.

I added two more scarves to those I recently knitted.  Such gorgeous colours out there.....

This is the crow table I just finished and it's now for sale in the Boutique.  Just waiting for the "right person" to come along and fall in love with it.....

You haven't seen many photos of my Boutique for a while - it's always improving and we are continually finding new items to display..........

The Bushplane Museum here in the Sault
asked me for a donation for their Mother's Day Luncheon and this is what I gave them....

Well, that's about it for now.  Hope you are having a great week.  Hoping to see these two little darlings in the next month or so.  I have to have some tests, e.g. cat scan etc. so as soon as that's over, I will be heading down on the Greyhound for kisses and cuddles.

'Til next time.  Love, 

Thursday, 18 April 2013

It's getting warmer

It was Janis' birthday, so the usual crowd from the Library, Janis, Helena, Kathy and myself took her out for pizza and a movie.  This is the one she chose and we all agreed that it was good for a laugh, but found that there was a lot of unnecessary swearing.  Don't understand that because the movie would have been just as funny without all that crap.  Anyway, a great evening was had by all and we all came away smiling, just don't take any children with you when you go to see it.  I thought Jason Bateman was very cute, seems to me that he gets yummier as he gets older, or is it me???

"Unlimited funds have allowed Diana (Melissa McCarthy) to live it up on the outskirts of Miami, where the queen of retail buys whatever strikes her fancy. There's only one glitch: The ID she's using to finance these sprees reads "Sandy Bigelow Patterson"... and it belongs to an accounts rep (Jason Bateman) who lives halfway across the U.S. With only one week to hunt down the con artist before his world implodes, the real Sandy Bigelow Patterson heads south to confront the woman with an all-access pass to his life. And as he attempts to bribe, coax and wrangle her the 2,000 miles to Denver, one easy target will discover just how tough it is to get your name back."

I have started knitting again, even though my fingers are not as flexible as they used to be.  I had seen these pretty scarves and didn't think that I could make them, they looked so difficult, but no, they really are quite simple, but painstaking.  These are the ones I have made so far and I will have them for sale in my Boutique on the weekend..............

I hope they sell because now I have the bug and I'm running low on other ideas.

Just finished a batch of "Hooker Boards".  They seem to be quite popular.  I love making these and distressing them to make them look like they are old.  When I first started to make them I used heavy, cast iron hooks which I shabbied.  I must say, I prefer the boards with those on but I can't get those hooks any more.  These are my new ones............

There is a delightful new store just opened in our city - it sells the most scrumptious British goods.  I have a hard job just walking past it without being pulled inside to see what tempting new stuff he has to offer.  For my local "followers", if you haven't already heard of it, here is the link............

Here are a few things I picked up on my visits, bringing back so many memories.  I have yet to pick up a bag of dolly mixtures, my favourite candy when I was a little girl............

I made a few pin-cushions and that's about it for the last week or so.........

So dear friends, that's about it for now.  Here's the little "pickle boy" Rhys, eating his dill......

and Katherine (aka Kit-Kat) with kitty

Enjoy every day.  Hugs, 

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Spring sprang and I must have missed it!!

I can't believe that it is so long since I last posted.  Where has the time gone?  It amazes me how some people (and God bless them) can write every day and make it interesting and I can only write once in a while and have trouble doing that, to boot, LOL  Anyway, I have begun so let's see where this takes me.....

Last night I made a set of cushion covers for my couch.  I was getting a little tired of the "wintery" ones and thought that I could help Spring make it's mind up to stay if I brightened up my place - yes, we are still getting snow and everyone is so fed up with it.  I can't wait for it to leave with the promise of no more, and then I will hop on the Greyhound bus and go and visit my darling grandbabies.  Oh, back to the cushion covers, here they are.....

It's now morning and as I look out of my window I see that we have been "dumped on" yet once again.  When will it end?

There is nothing much to be done about it, so, life goes on!!

A few weeks ago, a lady I have come to know through crafting, thrifting and The Queen's Cupboard, very kindly gave me a couple of primitive dolls.  My interest grew in this artform after meeting her and I now have a small collection to go along with my own primitive artwork.  Aren't these adorable?

This is the other spot where I have some on display......

Look what I picked up today from one of the local thrift stores.  I had seen it yesterday but was unable to bring it home.  Of course it was heavy on my mind when I woke up this morning so I decided to get up early and trek down there with one of my shopping buggies in the hope that it was still there.  It was, but, the buggy I brought was just a little too small for it to fit in resulting in my having to trek all the way home to return with a larger buggy.  Don't forget, the weather was lousy too and by this time the heavens had opened up and we were almost having a blizzard.  Anyway, I got it home.  My intention when I bought it was to fix it up and do what needed to be done and then put it in my Boutique for sale.  I don't think that that's going to happen - I'm smitten and since my colour scheme lends itself to this new addition, I just have to find the perfect spot for it, although where it is now may be where it will stay.  Take a look, isn't it adorable?

It needs a little work done on it, e.g. putting the glass back in the door and some spit 'n' polish but doesn't need any painting, I love it just the way it is.  I could put a new handle on the door, but only if something really spectacular comes along, but really, that would be an unnecessary expense.  I have a couple of beautiful old glass knobs that a friend gave to me so I might try one of those.

Since writing the above, I have decided where to put it (thanks to my friend Laurie's help) and this is where it is and where it will stay, well at least until I am fed up with it and then it will probably take a trip to my Boutique, LOL

So, what else is there to talk about....  I "put together" these cushions, bought everything separately and now have them for sale in my Boutique, love them!!

Another lovely chalkboard.  Note the curvy edges of the frame and I love the aged turquoise look..............

fortunately my customers do also.  Here's a delightful wall shelf unit, just big enough to display some of your favourite small pieces......

I just finished this whimsical piece of artwork.  More for a laugh than for any talent, LOL  It's named "Wits' End", as in "I'm at my.....".

Well, that's about it for my crafting, but before I leave you, I must mention that it was my darling grand-daughter's first birthday on the weekend and she had a party.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to be there but you can imagine I sure was thinking about her.  I bought this little dress for her to wear and I'm sure she had lots of beautiful clothes for presents............

and here are a few photos of the little princess on her special day..............

So beautiful in pink and white with an adorable pink flowered headband.  I am so proud of my little Kit Kat.  Well, that's about it for now dear friends.  Have a great weekend.
