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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Seek And Ye Shall Find

Hello again, I can't believe that I am writing another blog so soon, I wouldn't have thought that I would have anything to say yet, but I do!!  I actually had an excellent day today.  I had planned to stay in bed late, but the roofers had another idea, they were up there just after 7.30 a.m. banging and carrying on and as much as I wanted it, sleep evaded me!!  So, off I went on a search for "stuff" which I needed to finish off certain projects I'm working on................

This shabby chic coat rack I found at Winners yesterday after I had been to the doctors and today I put it up.  It will be great for when I have company and so easy to just hang up coats instead of taking them into the bedroom or squeezing them into the closet.  That's how I can justify that little expense.

When I came home I decorated my door with a little sign I picked up at The Dollar Store and placed it above a Christmas wreath I had made a few years ago.  Looking good, I think..............

After that, I finished off a couple of "pictures".  I had painted these old frames a few weeks ago and was waiting for just the right thing to put in them.  Didn't know what, some kind of photograph or graphic, but then today I was at The Queen's Cupboard and found a couple of gems and these are the end results.  I just love them.................

I should mention that the items I used are made of metal.  Don't you think they are adorable?  Which reminds me, I would love to hear from you and what you think of my silly ol' blog, doesn't have to be much, just a word or two, nice words of course.  That way I know that you are reading it.  This is my way of keeping in touch with you.

I'm still working on a couple of other things and found some brilliant stuff with which to finish them off, but that's for another day, still in the painting stage.

Finally, I made some earrings for the Christmas season, just inexpensive ones, for fun, to sell at my upcoming craft shows (I have three this week)......................

Now I'm going to make supper and relax in front of the television for a while watching people upgrade their homes, sell them, or search for a new home overseas.  I love those kind of shows, like Love it or Leave it.  I'd rather watch those than any of those sit-coms, etc.  Anyway, that's it for now, Ta Ta.