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Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween with Rhys

Just a quickie to say that I had a fun time in the neighbourhood surrounding Dave, Niki and Rhys' home.  They have so many great friends, most of them with children, some with furry children and they are all so very friendly.  Rhys (my 2 year old grandson) dressed up as a lion and, after a rough start because he didn't want to wear the lion headress, it turned out to be a fun evening.  Some of the homes were very scarey but most were just toned down with pumpkins on the porch.  Kim and Kyle, I hear were serving champagne on their porch.  I bet they even had canapes and hors d'oeuvres, LOL  I found out today that Kim, an ex-Saultite, has written and had published a very interesting book.  I will wait until I get home before I talk about it more (mainly because I have to read it first).  I have also purchased a copy for our Library because it is written by someone who was born and raised in the Sault.  Congratulations Kim.  Back to this evening and Rhys in his Halloween costume, here are a couple of photos which were taken by his daddy Dave.

I took a few myself this evening but will have to wait until I get home to be able to download them onto my "big" computer.  Talking about going home, I have one more day (Tuesday) to spend with my precious grandson and his not too shabby mum and dad.  Dave thinks that I tolerate him just so that I can spend time with Rhys.....  Could that be true?  I'll never tell, LOL

As usual, it has been a most enjoyable visit, but it flies by and as soon as I arrive home I will be wishing that I was back here.  I probably won't come back down until they have their new baby, expected at the end of March, beginning of April 2012.

Well my friends, behave yourselves and I will talk to you again soon.