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Tuesday 7 June 2011

So now I'm retired!!!

Well, I did it, I retired from my job at the local public library after almost 25 years.  I had a wonderful bunch of colleagues and they took me out for supper to say their goodbyes.  I had a delicious hamburger, but I was shocked and almost embarrassed when it came to the table - it was the cowboy hamburger and was the size of a horse.  Here's a little picture to show you what I mean.

Needless to say, everyone had a good chuckle, including the customers all around.  Oh well, you only retire at age 65 years once in your lifetime.  The last few days have been busy with appointments, signing papers and shopping.  Hopefully I will have something fun to write about next time I log on.  This is just a way of saying hello and hoping that you will join me on my travels.  Laurie, you got your way, but you are going to have to help me.  I haven't a clue as to where this is going.