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Thursday 23 August 2012

Movie night

Had a lovely evening with the girls (Helena, Janis and Bev).  We went to see "Hope Springs", starring Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.  I must say that I cringed in parts as I am sure many other patrons in the theatre did too.  It was a very realistic movie, hence the cringing, LOL  Nonetheless, it was very entertaining and amusing at the same time.  I would recommend this one, but then I would any that starred Meryl Streep.

"After thirty years of marriage, a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long counseling session to work on their relationship.

Kay and Arnold are a devoted couple, but decades of marriage have left Kay wanting to spice things up and reconnect with her husband. When she hears of a renowned couple's specialist in the small town of Great Hope Springs, she attempts to persuade her skeptical husband, a steadfast man of routine, to get on a plane for a week of marriage therapy. Just convincing the stubborn Arnold to go on the retreat is hard enough - the real challenge for both of them comes as they shed their bedroom hang-ups and try to re-ignite the spark that caused them to fall for each other in the first place."

Any of you into "cloches"?  A while ago, I put together a few, some with shells and others with birds and I will try and sell these at my craft shows..........

Been busy making more pillows and here are some with inspirational words to go with the other ones I made recently.....

Laurie, my dear friend, who lives just down the hall and who has her own blog  gave me another delightful painting of a crow to add to my collection.  She is such a fab artist and I have many of her paintings...........

Also, here is a copy of a painting someone else did that I copied and made it my own variation - it isn't nearly as good as the original but it will do...........

I put it in the frame that I picked up from the estate sale a couple of weeks back.  I knew it would come in handy some time.

To finish off, just a few of my latest cushion covers (3 to a pack) which I have for sale..............

'Til next time, be healthy and happy.

Friday 10 August 2012

The bad, the good and the primitive

Normally I am a very cautious person when it comes to my computer....  I don't like anyone else using it, but will be gracious if I have to be and allow someone, but only if there is no other way, LOL - but, seriously, I immediately delete any e-mails which look even remotely suspicious, but, and I do say BUT, on Wednesday I made a really big boo-boo.  The previous Friday I had sent off a parcel to my darling grandchildren, so when I received an e-mail from "FedEx" (and of course it wasn't from them) saying that the parcel couldn't be delivered because of an error in the address and if I clicked on this label I could have it re-delivered, yes, I very foolishly did.  What I should have done was to call my daughter-in-law to check if the parcel had been received.  I have learned my lesson.  Next thing, computer was running erratically loading up all sorts of trojans and malware and I couldn't do a thing about it.  I was so ticked off at myself.  Anyway, be warned - I know you are all very cautious, as am I, but sometimes we do the unthinkable!!!  I have all sorts of names I would like to call the people who go out of their way to make the lives of others miserable, but seeing as I am a lady and I do lady things, I will be decent and put the blame on myself for being distracted.  Enough said, you get the picture.  I called a local computer company (Joe's Clockwork Computers) and they immediately came to my rescue and were wonderful - what a service - can't praise them enough.  Now on to fun stuff...............

Last weekend I was fortunate enough to be informed of an estate sale taking place just a short walk from where I live.  The people were moving out of town and were trying to downsize and getting rid of much of their collectibles.  I would say that these people bordered on being hoarders as their home was plastered from top to bottom with stuff, not a square inch of wall was to be seen.  This is what I acquired for less than $20, a veritable trunk of treasures................

I also picked up these two glorious items.............

The week before that, Carol, a dear friend of mine and the creator of the most delightfully refinished, colourful chairs and footstools, found, whilst rummaging through a box at the Salvation Army Thrift Store, this beauty...........

I'm starting to rack up a pretty good collection of primitive items myself.........

Okay, enough of that.  Do you want to see what I have been up to lately?  I showed you my hand-painted crow pillows in my last post and this past week I have been busy hand-painting "inspirational words" on newly sewn cushions.  Check these babies out.........

and this is what the reverse looks like....

I also picked up this delightful birdcage from The Queen's Cupboard a couple of weeks ago.   Can't remember if I included this one in any post....

I have more that I could write about here but I should leave something for another day.  I'm usually at a loss for something to talk about in my blog but when I start I find that I have quite a lot to waffle on about, LOL  Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Don't forget to drop me a line to say that you are reading my blog.  I love to hear from you all.

Two of my most favourite people in the whole world, apart from my own kids of course.... Katherine and Rhys, the best grandkids.

Thanks also for your prayers for Laurie's hubby.  Please continue as he is going on Monday out of town to have a stent inserted.  God willing, he will be better than ever when he returns.  Laurie says thanks also.