As dismal as it would seem to be, being the fact that Summer is almost over (officially that is), Fall is quickly coming to our neighbourhood. I find Fall to be one of the most beautiful seasons of all and I treasure the cooler temperatures, not being a sun lover and never having been. This is what I like, it sure beats pictures of the beach, at least this is my opinion - check this out - this is what we have all around us at this time of year...........
Now, isn't that GORGEOUS?? I'm not an outdoors type of person, except for my continual walking to the Mall (does that count?) but I sure do have an appreciation for the beauty all around me. Today, it's a very wet day and, believe it or not, I do enjoy rainy days, as long as I am looking out of the window and not having to go anywhere........................
View from my window, looking towards the Library where I worked until three months ago. Now that I have been home from my trip visiting family and missing my darling grandson so very much (another trip perhaps?)....................

I have to find things to fill my days because shopping at the Mall and losing at the Casino are just not good enough for the long Fall and Winter days ahead. I have some very lovely friends with whom I spend time going for dinner, theatre and different shows throughout those times, but I also need something else. I have decided to open an Etsy account and try and sell my handcrafted jewelry. I have begun the process, but just like everything else in my life I need a push to continue with it and I think the PUSH is the change in the weather, which will keep me home more often. So, look out dear friends, I just might be pressuring you to purchase my creations, LOL This is a photo of a friend wearing one of my creations, I don't think she will mind if I show off her neck, LOL
Anyway, back to reality. I was talking about how beautiful it is here during the Fall but I have to say that we are very blessed with lovely scenery all year round. A while back I featured a few of our local historical buildings and I found that most people enjoyed reading about them, so I thought that I would add a few more this writing.
This is our beautiful Courthouse.
The Sault Ste. Marie District Courthouse, completed in 1922, was designed by Frank R. Heakes at the height of his career as Chief Architect of the Ontario Department of Works. The courthouse is a fine, and largely unchanged, example of Beaux-Artes Classicism combined with fine workmanship, material and attention to detail. The imposing nature of the structure demonstrates the economic confidence of the Sault at the end of the Clergue Industrial Period (1894-1911) and the Provincial desire to symbolically demonstrate the power of the judicial system. (Thanks to Linda Burtch).
This is our local Museum. It used to be the Post Office.
Designed in 1902 by David Ewart, Chief Architect of the Department of Public Works in Ottawa, the Old Post Office is a fine example of turn of the century federal architecture, combining Victorian Classicism with excellent workmanship. Its significance as a symbol of the authority of the Federal Government is conveyed by its size, its dominant location in the downtown core and the use of the Classical Style as expressed by the use of pediments and pilasters. This building now houses the Sault Ste. Marie Museum. (Thanks to Linda Burtch).
Here is a beautiful picture of St. Andrew's United Church (actually, my Church) and if interested, you can read up it's history from the Church website, it's too long to include here.......
This is a picture of the Sault Ste. Marie Canal Administrative Building.
The Administration Building was completed in 1895-1896 and housed the administrative functions of the canal.
I began with a beautiful picture of our area and I shall end with one (or two) also. Another beautiful place to visit here in the Sault and which is very popular, especially in the summer for walking and the winter for cross-country skiing, is Hiawatha Park and it's gorgeous Falls................
These are called the Crystal Falls, worth a visit. Now that I have you all excited about the Sault, perhaps you would consider coming for a visit and taking the train tour - it really is fabulous in the Fall....................
This is where you can read all about it. I have taken the tour with friends and it truly is a wonderful experience.
That's about it for now. Have a wonderful day. Talk to you again soon.