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Saturday 5 October 2013

Back home again

Well, my long-looked-forward-to vacation has now come and gone.  No, not to some distant land or exotic paradise - better than that, to visit my darling grandchildren and their very hospitable parents.

Each and every time I visit I make up my mind that a week is plenty of time for a trip away from home and each time I return home wishing that I had stayed a few days longer - it's not that I wasn't encouraged to stay longer.

As usual, it was a very long, tiring bus trip on the good old Greyhound.  Halfway home, a drunk was turfed off.  They don't put up with any nonsense these days.

I had a hard time getting the kiddies to stay still for me to take some photos so I will share what I did manage to get..........

Adorable Katherine (1 1/2)
& Handsome Rhys (4)

It was a most enjoyable visit and I even got to spend time with another of my sons, Phil, who went out of his way to come and visit me.  My daughter-in-law, who is a sweetheart, took me out for my very first pedicure - that was quite the experience!!

All-in-all, it was a great visit and I miss them so much already and can't wait for my next visit which won't be until the Spring.  Thanks so much Nicki and Dave.

Last post I had mentioned that I had gone dumpster diving and picked up some wood - a few people asked me to let them see what I made with it.....

 Gone from this..

To this....

I thought it might be just the thing for a camp cottage outhouse.  It has "hangers" on the back so it can be displayed on a wall or even a countertop.  The uses are endless, LOL - just need some imagination.

Here are a few of the things I have been working on since my last post.........

These can be used as chairs for teddy-bears or as plant stands.

And I turned this

 into a chalkboard table.

Now that things are back to normal, I will be back out there looking for new "stuff" to work on for my Boutique.  So, until next time dear blogging friends (et al), I will say adieu for now - be healthy and happy.
