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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

One week from today

I painted up this sign for the wall outside of our Boutique doorway.  Hopefully people can see it as they walk down the hall.

It's hard to believe that in just a week it will be Christmas Day.  I don't know why, but it doesn't feel very Christmassy.  Perhaps it is because the weather isn't typical winter weather.  Not that I am a lover of snow, au contraire, I can't stand it, but at least it does add to the Christmas atmosphere.

This evening I went to the movies with my ex colleagues from the Library, Helena and Janis.  It's always a pleasure to spend time with these two lovely ladies.  (Jenny-Wren, I missed you this evening - the ladies told me you were coming and I was disappointed when they said that there was a change of plans - perhaps another time.)  This is the movie that we watched and we all seemed to enjoy it.  I had never seen a 3D movie before so it was quite an experience and I loved how I could reach out my hand and almost catch a bird.

"Based on the best-selling novel by Yann Martel, is a magical adventure story centering on Pi Patel, the precocious son of a zoo keeper. Dwellers in Pondicherry, India, the family decides to move to Canada, hitching a ride on a huge freighter. After a shipwreck, Pi finds himself adrift in the Pacific Ocean on a 26-foot lifeboat with a zebra, a hyena, an orangutan and a 450-pound Bengal tiger named Richard Parker, all fighting for survival."

I'm enjoying the time we (Carol, Gary and myself) have been spending at our Boutique.  We are only open on the weekends and decided to open on Sunday afternoon, along with our normal Saturday, until Christmas.  What a waste of time, LOL - two weeks ago I made $8 and this last Sunday I made $5.  One more Sunday to go (this weekend).  Saturdays have picked up since the main street in town has re-opened after having been closed off for the whole of the summer for construction.

Here are a few of the items I have been working on this past week.  Hope I sell them this weekend.  Along with these new items, we have lots of great ideas for Christmas gifts.  We have such a variety of both old (antique) and new and even repurposed items, all waiting for new homes.  Stop by and visit us if you can.

I picked up this little basket at our Church's bazaar a couple of weeks ago and it is perfect for holding my received Christmas cards.

Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas filled with all good things, but especially with those that you love and cherish.

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Joyeux Noel
Froehliche Weihnachten
Buon Natale
Hyvaa joulua
Feliz Navidad
and so on and so on and to all....
Happy New Year

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Counting down the days

It's almost the middle of December and before we know it, Christmas will have come and gone.  I love all the festivities that go along with this time of year.  Tomorrow, I am going to supper with a few friends, Elaine, Susan and Anna-Mae and then we are off to see a local production of "Singing in the Rain".  I'm sure it will be wonderful as all the other ones have been.

Today, Carol and I went shopping.  Carol is one of my partners at our Boutique and she has recently moved into a cute little (old) house and is in the throes of furnishing it, after we spent quite a few days recently painting and bringing it up to 2012.  It really is looking quite adorable and she and her cute little doggies are settling in, just in time for her daughter to come home from University and for them to celebrate Christmas together.  I'll show you a peek at her daughter's bedroom (which she hasn't seen yet) but I won't intrude on her life and show anything more......

She still has a few more last minute details to take care of in that room and I'm sure she will have all that done by this weekend.

Well, what have I been up to?  Apart from spending time at the Boutique I have been working on items to try and sell there.

Made a couple of signs like this.....

This is a painting I did for Carol for her new home.  She has it in her dressing room and it looks great with her artsy stuff.  I call her the "Lamp Lady", hence the picture.....

I gave in and bought myself a little hat for the cold winter days.  I'm not one for wearing hats because I have very fine hair and use lots of hairspray, so when I plop one of these on my head, my hair becomes as flat as a pancake and I look dreadful.  I guess now that I am retired I am not as finicky as I was about my looks, so here I am with my new chapeau, feeling rather snug and protected from the elements..........

I tried my hand at making some little bookends for kiddies out of the hard plastic animals you find at most toy stores.  I painted them and added a little board book and hope to sell them in my Boutique.  I think they would look so sweet on a shelf in a nursery......

Here are a few sets of cushion covers which are for sale in my Boutique.. 3 covers for $15........

And a few coat racks, or as we call them, Hooker Boards, that I made

Of course I have to finish off the post with a couple of photos of my adorable grandchildren.  I wish I could spend Christmas with them.  Christmas as seen through the eyes of children is so magical.

Well, that's it folks, until my next blog.  Hopefully it will be before Christmas, but life just might take over and perhaps I will have to attend to other things.  If I don't chat with you before then, please do have a most wonderful and blessed Christmas with family and friends.  I know that this time of the year can be very lonely for some, so if you know of anyone who is lonely or alone maybe you can extend an invitation for a coffee or something, just saying.