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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Dreaming of Springtime

Winter hasn't begun to give up its grip just yet.  I was out walking the other day and stopped to take a couple of photos......

This one was taken across the road from our City Hall

and this was taken just outside of the place from whence I retired almost two years ago, The Sault Ste. Marie Public Library

The snowbanks are really high this year and the sidewalks haven't been cleared as well as they used to be, which makes it difficult for people like myself who don't drive to get out and about.  Perhaps "they" just don't have the money in the budget this year to spend on snow removal.  By the time I arrive at my destination, even though perhaps only about a ten minute walk, I am in major pain from the jarring and can't wait to sit and rest for a while.  I may as well add that the lack of snow removal has also created large puddles of water at the intersections which one has to wade through to get across the road and I have thoroughly ruined a beautiful (new this year) pair of boots through the dirty, stinky water finding its way in.  I'm sure a few of you know what this means - stinky boots for the rest of their lives.  Not to worry, I bought two more pairs of boots last week, one pair for "best" and the other for trudging to and from the mall, etc. and both sets are guaranteed to be waterproof - we'll see.  Enough of that drivel, onto more fun stuff.

My dear friend Laurie made me this boy doll to sit in an antique highchair which I have for sale at my Boutique.  What a darling she is - always thinking of others, in spite of her eyesight failing - she probably didn't want me to mention that, but hey, it's reality and that lady battles demons on a daily basis and never lets them get her down, especially knowing that one day she will lose her sight completely - pretty worrisome for a lady who is much younger than I (I really love this woman and her hubby isn't too shabby either, LOL)...............

He's only sitting in this antique pram until I take it over to the Boutique

What have I been up to since my last post?  Well, let's take a look..............

This is a letter holder that I repainted and updated.........

and this is another older model which I just re-varnished, looks almost as good as new.........

I did two more lighthouses - I think I like these better than the last ones.....

I repainted an old mirror - the mirror itself is a little damaged but the frame was in great shape........

I dirtied it up a little to give it that "aged" look, but you might like it better left the lighter shade.

I did a few more potpourrie jars with lace and lights..............

Sold this blue one on the weekend.

Look what my darling grandson sent me (aided and abetted by his sweet mum).......................

My very first grandchild painting - can you imagine how my heart skipped a beat when I opened that envelope????

I painted and aged a couple of small tables, one (the red one) is a wall-mounted one and the turquoise is a floor model.........



I did a few more Chalkboards - they seem to be very popular at the moment so I'm hoping that the ones I make will be too......

The most fun project I had this last week was creating these pretty boxes.  I guess they can be used for most anything, not just for jewelry, the white one in particular could be used as a small sewing box, especially if your talent only extends to sewing on a button or two.....

Well, I hope you have enjoyed my blog and I'll leave you again with photos of my darling grandbabies, although Rhys is going to be four in June and Katherine will be one in March - time is going just too fast.....

Until we meet again.  Hugs,

Monday, 4 February 2013

Baby, it's cold outside

It's looking like a beautiful day out there today, in spite of it being -20 celsius, Brr.  If I do decide to brave the elements and walk to the mall I had better put on my long woolly knickers, heavy coat and my "owl" toque!!  Just kidding, I don't have an owl hat, okay, and I don't have long woolly knickers either, but I had better wrap up really well 'cos "baby, it's cold outside".

I hope you  all had a great week and are well.  It still amazes me how fast the weeks are flying by.  It was okay when we were young, but now that I am somewhat older, okay, I have been tried and tested a few times, LOL and am closer to 70 than to 60, it is sometimes a bit of a concern to me.  The good Lord only promised us approximately three score and ten and I'm fast approaching that and I still have lots of crafts to make, "so Lord, slow down, you're going too fast, gotta make my retirement last".

As usual, I have been at it again, thrifting, painting, crafting and such, but boy, have I had fun doing it.  The little boutique that I share with two others and where I have my "stuff" is looking really good.  The three of us have a blend of very interesting items for sale.  We are still in the infant stage but we are hoping that more people will hear about us and come visit us on Saturdays.  It is located in a not well travelled spot so it is only through advertising and word of mouth that people find us.

That's a little glimpse of the boutique and now to show you what I have been up to lately.

Did some artwork...........

which resulted in a few similar but in different colours.....

I found two cute little bottles in the ThinkKitchen store in our local mall and added a decal which I purchased online from The Polka Dot Closet  Carol, the owner and very talented lady has lots of very interesting ideas on how to use her decals.  I just love them.

I improved on some plaques and turned them into key racks......

From this............

To this..............

I have had these butterflies for quite some time and wasn't sure what to do with them - I think they look great on here.  Amazing what a few decals and hooks will do.

I made a few more wooden signs (sold a "Welcome" one last week to my local grocer for their store - Thanks City Meat Market).

They started out something like this, after having cut out the letters which were then painted and glued to the painted and stressed wood.

This is a cute "whatever" I found at the local thrift store and it goes so well with my "primitive" items that I am keeping it.

I still have lots more things to show you but I had better stop before I drive you nuts.  So I'll leave you with one last one.  It was a donation box apparently handmade by a gentleman when the thrift store first opened.  I was lucky enough to get the last few existing and I turned mine into a Valentine box.  I guess the time of year gave me that idea.  What else could they be used for?  If someone buys it, they can use it any way they like.

Well, that's it folks.  Sorry I don't have any new photos of my darlings (grandkids), but hope by the next blog I will.  Have a wonderful day, whether it is reading a good book, doing some crafts or even going for a walk.  'Til next time, God bless.