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Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Mostly Renos

A few more medical appointments under my belt and both have positive outcomes, thank the Lord.  Last week I had a Cat Scan on my chest because the previous one showed something of concern and this one showed no change, so that was good news.  The other appointment was at the Eye Specialist to monitor my eyes as I have been on a medication for Lupus which could severely damage sight.  Also good news, even though my sight is not very good, due to age, etc. the testing showed that my eyes are healthy and haven't been damaged by the meds (which I now have stopped taking because they weren't good for long term use and really didn't help anyway).  The specialist told me that he could see the beginning of cataracts which I should monitor with a check-up in about a year, but not with him as he is retiring.

I made myself these slippers with wool that dear friend Laurie gave me, not bad for my first pair.....

plus two more scarves for my Boutique....

I just love turning something tossed away into something that can have an extended life after a little tender loving care.  I get so excited when I can find something in the thrift shops and paint it up and make it pretty again.  I found these little wooden blocks which looked the worse for wear and gave them an uplift.  Someone might like them for a mantle decoration for Christmas....

I found this delightful little telephone table which really wasn't in too bad shape, but boring.  This is what I turned it into, from plain to cute......

It turned out so cute that I wanted to keep it but don't have any room for it - too bad!!!

I did this little table too, but as usual, forgot to take a before picture....

Another item I forgot to take a before pic of......

Found this little box and after giving it a coat of paint came up with the idea of turning it into a camouflage box for a little boy or even a big boy who's into that kind of thing, LOL

Two more chalkboards....

And last but not least, a medium sized sewing box which needed some attention.  I didn't want to paint it, but treated it with the oil and vinegar technique and ... it turned out almost good as new....

As usual, I will say goodbye with a few photos of my darling grandkids.

That's it for today.  Be healthy and happy.


Thursday, 7 November 2013

The Primitive Life or, Was I Always So Prim?

This post is going to be more about my living room decor than anything else, so pay attention, as I will be cheap with my words, LOL.

Up until about two years ago you would never, ever have seen anything remotely old or beaten up in my abode, apart from myself, but slowly I have become smitten with the "Prim" look.  I will never become a connoisseur of that art form but I am very much enjoying the few items I have.  It had crept upon me very slowly and I am not quite sure which ones arrived first, not that it matters.

My dear friend Laurie played a part in this for she made me a cute little doll to sit on a chair I had re-purposed.  She thought it would help the chair sell faster in my Boutique.  Well, the chair never did sell (it's still sitting in the shop), but I kept the doll at home.  I thought it was so sweet that someone had made this for me and I can't part with it now.  Anyway, I digress.  Here is a picture showing the little doll (she's the one in white)....

So now that I have explained (kind of) how it all started, I will just keep posting with a minimum of words, unless needed....

If you look closely enough you will be able to see some of Laurie's beautiful artwork hidden amongst other things.

The top right hand one is mine and the bottom right hand one is Laurie's.

This old guy I copied from a picture I saw once in a store.  It's not as good as the original, but it fits in with my weird stuff.

My birdies.....

These are a few of my "altered art" pieces...

And a few more of Laurie's pieces along with some of my son's.

That's enough for today.  I haven't bored you I hope with all the photos (at least you didn't have to read lots, LOL)

As usual, a couple of photos of the darling little grandkiddies.

Rhys with a new hat, ha ha!!

Katherine with a little friend....

Rhys as a fireman for halloween....

Katherine and Rhys enjoying the leaves in the backyard...

Til next time.... Hugs,